Garden Visits

Cherry Taylors garden at Old Llangattock Farm which opened for the National Garden Scheme

Groups: Cherry will open the garden to groups of at least 20 people who are welcome by arrangement on specific days in the year (usually Sundays).

To wander around the garden with minimal input from Cherry would costs £5 a head.  However, if the visit is to include an introductory tour with Cherry, explaining the history and the various no dig methods used, the group can either pay a flat fee for this or visitors can pay £7.50 a head instead of £5.

No refreshments are provided, but tea making facilities can be provided, and groups are very welcome to bring their own, including packed lunches, cake etc.

If you have a gardening club or society that might like to visit, please get in touch.

Individuals: Garden visits for individuals are also possible while other events are taking place at the garden (like plant sales etc) and will usually be charged at £5 a head.

ngs: In 2024, Cherry will open the garden for the ngs on 25/26 May as a 'pop up' opening, and may even do a second opening later in the year too (energy levels depending!).  See the ngs website for more information nearer the time.